Job hunting with a disability: tips for success

Knowing how to land your dream job is not always easy and when you have disability, there are times when it can seem even more daunting.

The good news is that there are organisations out there who understand that building an inclusive workforce has plenty of benefits – not just for the job seeker – but for their organisation and the wider community. So, let’s take a closer look at some tips to increase your chances when looking for work.

4 tips on how to find work with a disability

1.Know your rights

Your employer is legally required to make any necessary adjustments to the workplace to accommodate your disability, whether that be rearranging your workstation, or providing access to all areas of the office. But remember, unless it affects your ability to do the job safely, you have no legal obligation to talk to your employer about your disability.


2. Do your homework

If there are organisations that you think you might like to work for then learn a bit more about them before applying. Company websites are a great place to find plenty of useful information and can help you decide if your experience is a good fit. It’s also a chance to check out a company’s reputation as an employer and if they have a proactive and inclusive approach to welcoming people with a disability to their workforce.


3. Focus on what you can do

It can be easy – particularly for people who don’t know you – to fall into the trap of wondering what your disability stops you from doing. Make sure your job application helps employers understand your strengths and clearly outlines how you fit the selection criteria. If you do decide to discuss the topic of your disability, use your previous work experience or real-life examples to demonstrate how you successfully address any challenges.

4. Build a support network

A big factor of job search success when you’re living with a disability is having a support network around you. There are organisations out there (just like CoAct) that can help you in your search for work. From helping you prepare a resume, boosting your confidence with interview skills, role play and what to wear – to enhancing your skills through assistive technology or advocating on your behalf to get modifications done at your place of work once you’re hired, the right support can be a great asset.

Finally, remember to be confident and don’t give up. Job rejections can be a huge confidence killer, but they happen to everyone, you just need to keep trying.

Here at CoAct, we focus on your unique needs to help you find and keep a job. We can introduce you to a whole range of job-seeking support tailored to YOU and connect you to employers in your area. Register as a job seeker with CoAct today.

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